Hirvikallio Lithium Project
The Hirvikallio Lithium Project is located on a 165 km2 exploration reservation in the Somero – Tammela area, Southern Finland. The Finland Geological Services (“GTK”) considers it one of the most promising lithium pegmatite provinces in Finland.
Historical exploration works completed by GTK across the project’s area identified approximately 25 km2 with pegmatite dykes returning promising results from limited drilling including 5m@ 2.30% Li2O and 2m@ 1.33% Li2O.
Recent rock chip sampling in two stages has returned a number of high grade assay results including 4.70% Li2O, 4.26% Li2O, 3.79% Li2O and 3.46% Li2O (refer ASX announcements dated 3 August 2023 and 4 December 2023), confirming the lithium potential of the Hirvikallio project. An exploration permit application over the identified Li-pegmatites is being prepared.
The reserved area also includes the Lumireenhaara occurrence, which contains very large areas of pegmatite outcrop with cliffs of pegmatite standing >20m vertical and extending over 500m – results include 2m @ 1.33% Li2O.

Figure 3: 2023 sampling locations in the Hirvikallio project